I spent a lot of my life hiding how I saw the world and what was important to me. I over-correct sometimes and over share. This might be one of those times. These are a bunch of video and writings that I’ve done in the last 25 years. I put the a few in bold that express some of the things I care most about. I still have a longing to be seen, which is why I’m sharing them with you. Maybe when I grow up, I’ll have less need to both hide and be seen.
Michael, putting this together in 2019
The Healing Power of Stories – Michael Bischoff
A talk, in partnership with my oncologist, with my colleagues from Health Story Collaborative, in 2018
Healing in Preparing for Death:
A podcast I made with my dear friend, Janet Hagberg
Healing Across Generations
A video about how my healing is connected with my dad and others
A video I made with my son when he was a toddler:
Jesus Take Care of Me
When Winter Lets Go of Minnesota>
Living in Truth: Active Nonviolence
Audio of a talk I did at St. Joan of Arc Church
Spirit of Institutions blog (posts from 2008 – 2015)
At River’s Edge blog (posts from Jan – Dec 2015)
Janet Hagberg’s blog
Theory U: Illustrated through a silly game with kidsMp>
Releasing the Core Gift of Quakerism
An article about the future of Quakerism
Caring Bridge posts (Sept. 2015 – on)
Stories of my adventures with brain cancer
The Interior Castle
A video I made with Isaiah, relating my experience to Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle.
Dancing with a great blue heron in Florida
Jesus and Me
Talk at Twin Cities Friends Meeting about my experiences with Jesus over my lifetime
Life Saving Quaker Practice
An article for Friends Journal about finding a spiritual practice in relationship with the river.
The Healing Power of Stores
From a video from a story session I did with my neuro-oncologist
A booklet that expands on the talk listed above this
Stories of Patterns in Relationship with Death
Mississippi River Story Map
A project where I gathered many stories of relationship with the river. Here’s my story. There are also stories from the rest of my family, and some dear friends on the map.
Interview on MPR as a part of an End in Mind event
A blog post for End in Mind
About 2014:
Running down sand dunes with my family next to Lake Michigan
Beyond the Cult of Self-Development
A talk I did for friends about a place I saw myself getting stuck
Michael’s Vision for 2022 (done in 2012)
How I Believe Change Happens: Noncooperation With Evil Systems, Cooperation with God. This is an essay based on my experience helping with nonviolence trainings for protesters.
End of Philosophy and the Rise of Film
My philosophy thesis in college
Thanks for seeing me, friends.