About 75 of us gathered on March 1, 2012 at the Minnesota Presencing Gathering to listen for what was emerging among us, guided by the following two questions:
- How might we advance awareness-based collective action toward a more sustainable, inclusive, and aware communities?
- What are the issues, ideas, and opportunities for the future that is wanting to emerge in our region?
This was the fourth in a series of Minnesota Presencing Gatherings. To see information about previous and future gatherings, click here. You can find photos from the March 1 gathering on the Minnesota Presencing Community Facebook page.
Reports from the conversations on March 1:
Harvest at the end of March 1 gathering: What are you taking away (in 7 words or less)?
Prototyping Updates: At the January 17 Presencing gathering, several groups served as live case studies, as people at the gathering helped them create prototypes, or new things to try in their projects. Here are updates from some of the projects that we worked with at the January gathering:
- Occupy Minneapolis
- Dual Currency Systems
- Wisdom Dances
- Corchoran Grows (Transition Town project)
- CEO in the Cave
- Project Sweetie Pie
Overall themes from the small groups, as heard by the harvesting team and graphically recorded by Sheila Kim