Sample of Consulting and Facilitation Experience
Healing Story Session National Program Expansion
Health Story Collaborative
January 2017 – ongoing
Strategy Retreat Facilitation
Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries
Co-facilitated with Lisa Negstad, Negstad Consulting
March 2017
Leadership Network Retreat Facilitation
Bush Foundation, Leadership Network Grantees
March 2015
Work Group Facilitation
Fatherhood Policy Working Group
Fall 2014 – Winter 2015
Innovation Lab Design and Co-Facilitation
Maternal Wellbeing Innovation Lab, Minnesota Department of Health
Fall 2014 – Fall 2016
Innovation Lab Design and Co-Facilitation
Trauma-Informed Approaches Innovation Lab
2014 – 2015
Launch Event Management
Minnesota Social Impact Center
Fall 2014
Social Network Mapping, Event Co-design and Participant Recruitment
bushCONNECT, Bush Foundation
Spring 2014 and Spring 2015
Board Retreat Facilitation
Seward Towers Corporation
Spring 2014
Retreat Facilitation, Cross-Project Collaboration
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Winter 2014
Collaborative Strategic Planning and Network Development
FATHER Project, Goodwill/Easter Seals of Minnesota
Spring – Fall 2013
Integrating the lessons of a pilot program in ongoing systems
Mind the Gap: Supporting fathers coming out of prison
Spring 2012 – Winter 2013
Strategic Planning and Needs/Opportunity Assessment
Council on American-Islamic Relations-Minnesota
Summer 2012 – Winter 2013
Social Innovation Lab Development
Social Innovation Lab, in partnership with the Bush Foundation
Spring 2012 – Current
Resident Needs/Opportunity Assessment
Seward Towers, CommonBond Communities
Summer 2012
Healing Justice Needs Assessment and Program Development
The American Friends Service Committee
Conducted an assessment of needs and opportunities for furthering healing justice in Minnesota, and made recommendations for new program development and design.
November 2011 – January 2012
Conference Organizing and Network Development
Minnesota Presencing Community
The goal of the Minnesota Presencing Community is to strengthen the Minnesota hub of people practicing awareness-based collective action methods in pioneering a more sustainable, inclusive, and aware society. Michael initiated the Minnesota Presencing Forum, and worked in partnership with many other organizations and individuals to organize and facilitate the development of a series of gatherings to nurture this emerging network.
Interim Executive Director and Facilitation of Discernment about Strategic Direction
City House
Read comments about Michael’s work from Gregory Peterson, Board Chair
October 2010 – September 2011
Organizational Development Consulting
From Death to Life
Summer – Fall 2011
Program Development Consultation
Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR)-Minneapolis
Jan. – Mar. 2011
Board Retreat Facilitation
Venite Ministries[Read comments about Michael’s work from Nancy Blanski, Executive Director]
February 2011
Summit Facilitation
Facilitated the People, Planet, and Place Summit, hosted by Olney Friends School in Barnesville, OH. The summit engaged students, alumni, staff, and other supporters of the school in discerning how the school could contribute to a green economy in Appalachia, while also increasing the financial sustainability of the school. [Read comments from Rich Sidwell, Head of the School, about Michael’s work]
October 2010
Congregational Visioning
Facilitated sessions for Bethany Lutheran Church as a part of their congregational discernment about the vision of their church.[Read comments about Michael’s work from Justin Lind-Ayres, the Pastor at Bethany]
Fall 2010
Needs Assessment and Visioning
Facilitated a process to assess needs and opportunities for supportive services at affordable housing sites for seniors and residents living with disabilities for CommonBond Communities. Focus groups, interviews, written surveys, and a retreat were used to develop strategies for effective services. [Read comments about Michael’s work from Kelly Matter, Vice President of Advantage Services at CommonBond Communities]
March – August 2010
Grant Proposal Reviewer
Wrote evaluations of grant proposals for Second Chance Act Mentoring federal grant offered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The grants fund mentoring and other services for people leaving prison.
May 2010 & June 2011
Strategic Planning
Facilitated strategic planning for the Seward Longfellow Restorative Justice Partnership. [Read comments from Michele Braley, Program Manager]
February – March 2010
Program Development and Grant Proposal Writing
Facilitated the development of a summer youth program serving East African youth through the Pan-African Community Organization in Minneapolis, MN. Wrote a grant proposal for the program. The grant was approved.
February 2010
Congregational Discernment
Co-facilitated (with John Ackerman and James York) a discernment process with North Presbyterian Church in North St. Paul, MN. A “God Connection Team” brought innovation and personal reflection to congregational challenges. [Read comments about Michael’s work from John Ackerman]
January 2010
Program Evaluation
Conducted an evaluation of the early childhood components of the FATHER Project, using focus groups, interviews, written surveys. Wrote the evaluation report. Developed evaluation tools for other components of the program, and used videos of participants to capture the impact of the program. [Read comments about Michael’s work from Andrew Freeberg, FATHER Project Director]
Fall 2009 – Summer 2010
Strategic Planning: Youth Services
Facilitated the development of a strategic plan for youth services at Common Bond Communities, including over 100 people in developing the plan–including youth, parents, staff, community partners, and funders. [Read comments about Michael’s work from Kelly Matter, Vice President of Advantage Services, CommonBond Communities]
Spring/Summer 2009
Strategic Planning: Responsible Fatherhood Program
Facilitated long-term planning for the FATHER Project, which provides comprehensive support for low-income fathers. Facilitated focus groups, coordinated interviews, facilitated a planning retreat, and drafted the written plan.[Read comments about Michael’s work from Andrew Freeberg, FATHER Project Director]
Staff Retreat Facilitation
Facilitated a staff retreat for the Seward Child Care Center.
August 2009
Facilitation of Community Visioning Session
Facilitated community visioning meeting of the Minnesota Second Chance Coalition, a collaboration that does advocacy to remove barriers to success for people with a criminal record.
June 2009
Mission Statement and School Philosophy Evaluation and Development
Led a review and revision of the mission and school philosophy statements at St. Stephen’s Catholic School in Anoka, MN. Facilitated focus groups, summarized input, and wrote recommended statements.
Winter/Spring 2009 [Read comments from Rebecca Gustafson, the Principal at St. Stephen’s Catholic School, about Michael’s work on this project]
Strategic Plan Facilitation
Guided a 4-month strategic planning process for CAPI (formerly the Centre for Asians and Pacific Islanders), a nonprofit that serves immigrants and refugees. Facilitated focus groups, staff meetings, and a board/staff retreat; Synthesized and refined input and recommended goals.
Fall 2008
Facilitation of Congregational Discernment
Facilitated discernment at Faith Mennonite Church about ways the congregation was called to be more engaged in their community, through service, outreach, and activism. [Read comments from Joetta Schlabach, Pastor]
Fall/Winter 2008
Interim President
Served as Interim President of the Council on Crime and Justice during a leadership transition.
March – June 2008
Strategic Plan Facilitation
Guided a 6-month strategic planning process for the Council on Crime and Justice that included board, staff, program participants, partners, and funders. A 3-year strategic plan was developed. [Read comments about Michael’s work from Thomas L. Johnson, former President of the Council on Crime and Justice]
Fall 2006
Group Facilitation: Decision Making about Organizational Leadership
Facilitated a membership meeting at a Zen Center, where they selected their new guiding teacher.
October 2006
Grant Proposal Reviewer
I wrote evaluations of grant proposals for this federal grant offered by the Office for Victims of Crime. The purpose of the grant was to increase public awareness of crime victim rights and resources in under-served communities.
March 2006, March 2007, and May 2008
Surrogate Victim Offender Dialogue Facilitator
I co-facilitated 12 sessions of the Citizen’s, Victims, and Offenders Restoring Justice project at Minnesota Correctional Facility-Lino Lakes.
Spring-Summer 2005
Focus Group Facilitation, Access to Education for Offenders and Ex-Offenders
I recruited and facilitated a focus group of representatives from education, corrections, ex-offender, and community groups to assess gaps and opportunities in access to education for offenders and ex-offenders. Recommendations for programming at the Council on Crime and Justice came out of the focus group.
February 2005
Organizational Evaluation and Strategic Planning
I coordinated an organizational assessment with the South St. Paul Restorative Justice Council. The assessment used Appreciative Inquiry and Action Research methods to prepare for strategic planning.
Summer 2004
Project Coordinator, Meeting Victims’ Needs Post-Conviction
I coordinated this project sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Corrections and the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services, Meeting Victims’ Needs Post-Conviction Study Group. I facilitated a group of 30 people from corrections and victim services as they evaluated how crime victims’ needs could be more fully met after the offender’s conviction. The group made recommendations to state and community agencies for ways these needs could be more fully addressed. See the report from this project.
January 2003 – May 2004
Organizational Conflict Resolution / Meeting Facilitation Consultant. Provided mediation and coaching in meeting facilitation to the 5th Congressional District Green Party of Minnesota.
December 2003
Organizational Conflict Consultant
Facilitated a meeting for Friends General Conference, a national Quaker organization, about an internal conflict within the organization. As part of this project, I also conducted interviews with key stakeholders and provided recommendations for next steps, using the conflict as an opportunity to strengthen the mission of the organization.
November 2003
Literature Scan Research
Wrote reports about the state of the field in Youth Organizing and Community Organizing for School Improvement for Rainbow Research, as part of their evaluation and strategic planning with the Hazen Foundation.
Spring 2003 [Read comments by David Scheie, from Rainbow Research, about Michael’s contributions to this project]
Qualitative Research Design and Facilitation
Worked on team that studied the effects of growth on the region through a series of focus groups and interviews, culminating in a written report and presentation at a community summit.
Healthy Community Council ( Harrisonburg , VA )
Spring 2002
Cross-Cultural Service Project Development, El Salvador
Sent as representative of Northern Yearly Meeting (Quakers) to develop proposals for joint service projects with El Salvador Yearly Meeting. Met with Salvadorans to assist in the development of peace training and violence reduction initiatives.
December 2001 – January 2002
Volunteer Restorative Justice Advisor, Northern Ireland & Ireland
Met with staff from Restorative Justice Ireland Network to evaluate strategies for networking Restorative Justice activities in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland . Met with members of the Alternatives to Violence Project in Dublin to help them develop a youth nonviolence training program in juvenile prisons.
November 2001
Program Evaluation Coordinator
Designed and supervised interviews done with students and alumni for an evaluation of experiences in the graduate program and their visions for its future. Wrote a report summarizing the findings.
Conflict Transformation Program, Eastern Mennonite University
Fall 2001
Prison Restorative Justice Program Development
Wrote proposal for prison-based Restorative Justice Program that is being used as the basis for inmates, victim services, and prisoner advocacy groups jointly developing a similar program. Met with group to initiate the project.
Graterford State Prison, Pennsylvania
Fall 2001
Church Conflict Consultant/Facilitator
Assisted Ron Kraybill in designing and facilitating a decision-making and reconciliation process in serious congregational conflict regarding a pastor’s tenure.
Done through the Institute for Justice and Peacebuilding (Harrisonburg, VA)
Spring-Summer 2001
Church Conflict Transformation Facilitator
Facilitated meetings in a congregational conflict about building reconstruction.
Valley Friends Meeting (Harrisonburg, VA)
Spring 2001
Facilitator of Dialogue about Sexual Orientation and the Church
Facilitated a panel discussion about experiences with homosexuality in Christian churches.
Eastern Mennonite University
November 2000
Campus Mediation Center Program Development
Team member of University Accord, a group that provides mediation and facilitation services at Eastern Mennonite. Our team started the program on the campus, carried out facilitations and mediations, and evaluated the direction of the program.
September 2000 – April 2002
Presentations and Trainings Offered:
“Relationships and Health Leadership”
Abbott Northwestern Hospital Leadership
Aug 2018
“The Healing Power of Stories”
Health Story Collaborative public event
May 2018
<"Relationship Based Care"
University of Minnesota Nursing School
Jan 2018
“Healing as Worship
Faith Mennonite Church
Feb 2018
“Healing in Community”
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Dec 2015
“Unraveled Network Event: Bridging the Gaps”
Panel organized by Pollen and Native American Community Development Institute
August 2015
“Why Traditional Planning is Killing Us and How Prototyping Can Save Us,” with Bo Thao-Urabe
Wilder Foundation Managers
November 2014
“Network Mapping: Visualize and strategize about your connections,” with Kristin Johnstad and Janne Flisrand
June 2014
Leading from Source Retreat
April 2014 (with Myron Lowe, Thor Eisentrager, and Julie Delene), August 2014 (with Thor Eisentrager, and Julie Delene)
“Leading Innovation Deep Dive Workshop,”
February 2014 (with Sam Grant), September 2014 (with Sam Grant and Bo Thao-Urabe)
“Theory U: Leading from the Emerging Future” for the Minnesota Facilitators Network
September 2013
“Spirit-Led Leadership,” co-led with Margaret Benefiel.
April 2013
“Facilitating Innovation in your Organization,” co-led with Sam Grant for a training organized by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
February and September 2013, May 2014
“Nonviolence as a Lifestyle,”Basilica of St. Mary JustFaith class
March 2012
“Conflict Resolution,” Part of a seminar on forgiveness at the New Hope Treatment Center
June 2010
“Applying ‘Service above Self’ to Leadership and Management,” St. Louis Park Sunrise Rotary Club, South Minneapolis Rotary Club.
March and April 2010
“The Spirit of Institutions”A presentation about my sabbatical year, Minneapolis Friends Meeting, September 2009
Watch a video from the presentation
“Translating Quaker Discernment into Secular Organizations”
Presentation at Minneapolis Friends Meeting, Twin Cities Friends Meeting (Feb. 2009, Jan. 2010)
“Can Shy and Humble People Be a Light unto the World?”
Sermon at Faith Mennonite Church (Jan. 2009)
“Opportunities for Change in Minnesota’s Drug Policies”
Presentation to the People of Faith Peacemakers, done jointly with Charles Simmons (Sept. 2008)
“What We Can Do Now to Make Minnesota Safer 50 Years from Now.”
Presentation to Minneapolis Downtown Rotary Club (December 2007), Uptown Minneapolis Rotary Club (February 2008), Golden Valley Rotary Club (February 2008)
“Prisoner Reentry in Minnesota”
Presentation (with Hillary Freeman from the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches) at the Minnesota Americorps*VISTA Conference (May 2008).
“Public Safety and the Teachings of Jesus”
Presentation at the People of Faith Peacemakers (April 2008)
“Quaker Perspectives on Peace and Violence”
Presentation as a part of the Sacred Season of Peacemaking Interfaith Series (November 2007)
“Building Bridges between Limited English Proficiency Communities and Criminal Justice Systems”
Presentation at the Inter-Agency Federal Conference on Limited English Proficiency Access (March 2007)
“Incarcerated Families”
Presentations about the impact of incarceration on families, with recommendations for how agencies can effectively engage these families (January 2007, July 2007, January 2008).
“Fathers Transitioning from Corrections”
Presentations at the Minnesota Jail Programmers Association Annual Conference (April 2006), Minnesota Fathers and Families Network Annual Conference (January 2006), Minnesota Fathers and Families Transitions Roundtable (June 2005)
“Integrating the Needs of Crime Victims into Offender Reentry”
Presentation at the Growing the Connections (Restorative Justice) Conference, Mankato, MN
October 2005
“What About Hitler?” (What could’ve nonviolence have done to stop Hitler?)
At an Every Church a Peace Church conference, Minneapolis, MN
April 2004
“Living in Truth: Active Nonviolence,”Homily at St. Joan of Arc Church worship services, Minneapolis, MN
Listen to an mp3 of the talk
February 2004
“Claiming the Power of Nonviolence, Personally and Politically”
Adult Education class, St. Luke Presbyterian Church, Minnetonka, MN.
January 2004
“Meeting Crime Victims’ Needs Post-Conviction”
Presentation at the Growing the Connections (Restorative Justice) Conference, St. Paul, MN, October 2003
“Justice, Violence, and Prayer”
Facilitated a retreat for Christos Retreat Center as part of their Spiritual Formation for Congregational Leaders program.
May 2003
“Praying at the Roots of Violence”
Facilitated a weekend retreat for the Northern Yearly Meeting (Quaker) Spiritual Nurture Program (January 2003) and facilitated a series of adult education sessions at Prospect Park United Methodist Church, Minneapolis on the same topic (September-October, 2003) and St. Joan of Arc Church, Minneapolis (Feb. 2004)
Alternatives to Violence Project workshops
Led approximately 30 3-day workshops in prisons, churches, and schools in Minnesota and Virginia.
1995- 2002
Help Increase the Peace Project workshops
Juvenile Detention Centers, Winchester, VA, and Cumberland, MD
Led 3 three-day weekend workshops for youth in the centers.
March – July 2001
“Class, Race, and Protest”; “Strategy of Nonviolent Action”
For protestors at the mobilization against the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue, Cincinnati, OH
Co-led workshops with George Lakey, Betsy Raasch-Gilman, and Daniel Hunter
November 2000
“Conflict Resolution in the Workplace”
Pilot City Health Clinic, Minneapolis, MN (Spring 1999), Twin Cities Americorps (Fall 1999 and March 2000)
Co-led with Abdul-Hakim As-Siddiq
“Spreading the Technology of Interpersonal Nonviolence”
Peace Prize Forum seminar, Augsburg College
February 1999
“Simple Living”
Catholic Charities Volunteer Corps, St. Paul, MN
Two-hour workshops in Fall 1998 and Fall 1999
“Welcoming Diversity in Friends Meetings”
Workshop at Northern Yearly Meeting Annual Conference
May 1999
“Martin Luther King and Nonviolence”
Seminar at Maple Plain Library
Co-led with Janne Flisrand
January 1998
“Conflict Resolution Skills Needed for Mediation”
Citizen’s Council of Minnesota
June and July 1997
“Creating Dialogue for Positive Change among Progressive Student Organizations”
St. Cloud State University
Co-led with David Miller
February 1996
“From Gandhi to Serbia: Passion and Power in Nonviolent Revolutions,” University of Minnesota, Compleat Scholar Program
See the syllabus for this class at:
Fall 2005
“Conflict Resolution,” University of St. Thomas
Co-coordinated a section of this class based on Minneapolis police/community conflict resolution; Arranged for service learning with this topic. Student reports from this project at
Spring 2004
“History and Strategy of Nonviolent Alternatives to War,” University of Minnesota, Compleat Scholar Program
See the syllabus for this class at:
Fall 2003
“Conflict Mediation,” James Madison University
Taught a total of 6 sections of this 4-week class, which were part of the 6-credit “Individuals in the Human Community” General Education Package. I was the sole instructor for the Conflict Mediation sections of this package. During the rest of the semester, this General Education package had other subjects taught by other professors.
Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002
“Transformative Approaches to Justice and Peacemaking,” Eastern Mennonite University, 3 credits
A survey of approaches to organizational and community-level change. Students worked in conjunction with the campus mediation center to do interviews, systemic analysis, and facilitation within the university. I designed and facilitated the majority of the class, with supervision from Ron Kraybill, who was the instructor of record.
Fall 2001
“Voices from the Inside,” Eastern Mennonite University, 2 credits
Students participated in a 3-day nonviolence workshop inside of a maximum-security prison and studied writings of prisoners. I led the vast majority of class and coordinated all of the details, with supervision from Howard Zehr, who was the instructor of record. [Read comments from Howard Zehr about Michael’s teaching]
Spring 2002
“Criminal Justice and Peacemaking,” Eastern Mennonite University, 3 credits
I assisted in the facilitation and design of this class, with the majority of the teaching being done by Howard Zehr .
Spring 2002