Clarity Facilitation offers the following hands-on workshop for organizations and networks, as a practical way to spark innovation and collaboration in your work. The length and focus of the workshop can be customized for your needs.
Facilitating Innovation in your Organization
Do you feel the constant pressure to attract new funders and clients to sustain your organization’s work? In that immediate pressure, it is easy to forget the previous bursts of innovation in your organization that made the current work possible. This training will offer tools and activities for tapping into the sources of innovation in your organization and field. You will leave with activities that you can use in your organization to assess and spark innovation that leads to impact and funding.The workshop will introduce activities you can use in your organization to engage your team members in assessing where your work is on the spectrum from conservation to innovation. Using the examples of pressing issues you are facing in your organization, we will experientially move through steps in a process for collective innovation.
For each step in the innovation process, we will sample exercises that you can use in your own work with the following steps in innovation:
- Clarify your team’s intent
- Deeply investigate the needs and systems you are seeking to change
- Retreat and reflect to access new insights
- Quickly build prototypes that develop practical solutions
- Scale innovation for social benefit
These steps in the innovation process will be illustrated with stories from the nonprofit sector, your reflections, and experiential activities. We’ll reflect on how you can adapt and apply these activities to increase performance and impact in your organization.
Expected learning outcomes:
- Ability to apply a framework and set of practical tools to facilitate innovation
- Ideas developed and tailored to your specific organizational setting
- Ideas for how your organization can contribute to innovation in your field and the collective impact your field seeks
- Connections with other innovators