Park Rapids Forms

Premium: FATHER Project Forms and Documents for St. Joseph’s Area Health Services in Park Rapids

The following forms and documents are specific for the Park Rapids FATHER Project site. To find forms for other locations, use the “forms” drop down menu above. To download the following forms, you may right click on your mouse and select the “save as” option. A password is required for accessing the forms. Contact your site manager if you need the password. Click on any of the categories of forms below to go to the full list of forms for those types of forms.

Outreach Forms
As you conduct outreach activities, cultivate relationships with key people in other organizations or agencies.  When doing so, it is important to log and track this information.  Try to identify a contact, preferably a “fatherhood champion” within each organization or agency.  A “fatherhood champion” is someone who can refer fathers to your FATHER Project and assist as a conduit to their broader organization.  Always provide the Fatherhood Champion with the FATHER Project Referral Form, In addition, log information about your contact person, and his or her organization, using the FATHER Project Outreach Contact Form. 

Intake Forms
Intake forms are completed during the initial meeting with an interested program candidate, prior to beginning the formal intake process.  The Service Level Determination (SLD) Cover Sheet is a summary of basic participant demographic information and includes details about services they’re seeking. FATHER Project Intake Form….The actual Service Level Determination Form is available in paper form only, and is immediately faxed to the Child Support partner.  

Orientation Forms
These case file forms will vary based on your standard organization protocols. These forms are usually completed during the Orientation Session.   Other sites may choose to complete these individually with the participant during the enrollment meeting.  These forms often require a participant’s signature and must be maintained in hard copy format in the case file.
Note:  To be completed during Orientation Sessions (or when doing an individual enrollment prior to the monthly Orientation session).

Enrollment Forms
The Enrollment Forms are completed by the Father Advocate / Case Manager during the initial participant enrollment and Fatherhood Planning meeting.  Some FATHER Project specific forms will need to be completed in hard copy format.  Other sites will need to completed hard copy formats and send them in.  (In Year Two, we will begin entering such data directly into the web-based FATHER Project Performance Measurement System).
Note:  To be completed during the initial enrollment meeting (fatherhood planning meeting).

Performance Measurement Forms
Performance Measurement Forms are typically measured at baseline, and then upon completion of 12 parenting groups (some forms are administered only at the conclusion of the 12 parenting groups).